Ghosts and honoring who we are
I was speaking to a friend today who is in the throes of trying to decided whether to go back to her ex of ten years. I said well you need to evaluate what the deal breakers were in that relationship and put those on the table (I said E had told me this a long while ago and it was the right thing to do even though my deal breakers were deal breakers). She said one is that he doesn’t respect her belief system and calls her stupid and I muttered under my breath, “Oh, very familiar with that one.” The fact is she believes in ghosts. When she described her last encounter with a ghost it gave me pause because when I was in Orlando, I woke in the early morning aware that a woman had me in her clutches – I was in that twilight between sleep and wakefullness and the sky was just starting to lighten, and I could tell this spirit, woman, creature was spooning me from behind and had me tight in her grip and I was paralyzed with fear, and couldn’t shout, couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything.
Later, as I was showering and getting ready for the conference, I wondered if that might have been my mother. Just like when she was in the hospital and I climbed up in her bed with her and held her close, perhaps she had been granted a moment to come down and climb in bed with me and hold me. And because I’m human I was terrified because I don’t understand these things. And perhaps all she wanted was to feel me close much like I wanted to feel her close when she was failing.
It’s possible is all I offer up and if anyone wants to call me stupid or dismiss this as absurd, that’s their problem. I’m not here to defile your beliefs, but I do mind when you defile mine.
I told her to rethink the reasons she wants to get back together. Maybe that last ghost who came to haunt her had a message for her.