Doing what you do because you want to

I’m engrossed in this Cognitive Surplus book because it speaks to my heart that is it provides case studies that when people are given a task to do, they perform it because they want to but when they are compensated for it, it diminishes the autonomy and motive for doing it. I thought about this with my own blogging. A colleague had told me to focus on my fiction writing not blogging. I mean who gets paid from blogging? Hardly anyone. But there is a lot of blogging still going on. I came across an old source of mine blogging away even though he has been in his industry for more than three decades and certainly doesn’t need to do something like that and he is paid handsomely in his work. But he was speaking about things that he is passionate about and it compelled him to blog, for no compensation.

I can think of other blogger friends who blog about their life taking all of us who read their entries on their path to self-enlightenment and self-actualization. You, the reader, join in voluntarily, no one is obligated here – no one has to blog, no one has to read, it just is. It’s sort of an amazing concept.

Our beach trip has been an exploration in fruit eating – Tin has eaten and asked for apples and mangos and eaten every bite. He was strictly an applesauce boy but he is venturing out here on the beach with the fresh air and sun making all of us very content. He is also jamming with Dizzy Gillespie and Louis Armstrong and Trombone Shorty. We watched him perform for about forty five minutes last night and he was unstoppable. No one was paying him for his performance either.


2 Responses to “Doing what you do because you want to”

  1. Ivette Says:

    ay, tin, que bello eres!!! muaack

  2. Rachel Says:

    We were marveling today at just how cute he is – you have to see him jamming and hamming in front of the mirror! Tan bello.

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