HRT – just say no
When I saw the parents around me giving out Ritalin by the handful on school diagnosis of ADD and ADHD, my whole body screamed, just say no. When all of my friends were prescribed anti-depressants by their doctors because they were going through challenges, I wanted to scream, just say no. When doctors were prescribing me hormone replacement therapy in all sorts of different dosages, I took it but wanted to scream just say no and finally just got off myself after a year on them.
The age of medicating instead of remediating is a sign of the times. Most depressed people I know can do more for themselves by getting off drugs and alcohol, and getting into some real time behavior modification. And kids – let’s face it – mainly it is boys who are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD and there is little that anyone on the prescribing and diagnosing side has done to investigate the possibility that perhaps boys are, well, just being boys and we need to change how we teach and parent them not drug them.
But today the New York Times printed an article that HRT not only raises the risk of cancer but makes it aggressive and virulent. Just say no!!!
October 25th, 2010 at 1:29 pm
Aye aye! My grandson being a case in point. Thankfully my daughter refuses medication.