Other talents

I am a lousy photographer, don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t stop me from taking photographs all the time. Similarly, I’m a lousy singer, but it doesn’t stop me from singing at the top of my lungs. A friend of mine took calligraphy for many years and sucked at it, but I still enjoyed getting her wobbly handwritten notes, and she loved doing it and admitted she was bad at it. See it doesn’t really matter how good you are at something like people who don’t dance because they say they don’t dance well – you dance because you have to. I want photographs of my life (which in and of itself is a good thing since at one point when I thought I’d never have children I asked why bother taking photos when no one will care about them in the long run and a friend so poignantly told me, you care about them now, that’s enough), but the point is we all have many talents and that doesn’t mean we should only play in that sphere, we are free to do anything.

I love that we named Tin, Tin. And I love that it comes from Constantin, which represents the birthplace of my grandparents as well as Tatjana’s great grandfather’s name. I love the name Dangermond, it wasn’t mine, it was Steve’s, but I kept it and now it’s mine and it’s my son’s. I love that people are giving their kids such interesting names – around the hood I’ve met Atticus, Angus, Briggers, and our friend’s son is Golden, after him. He was at Gal Holiday on Sunday and took these wonderful photos of Tin – Tin and I were dancing and I even tried to shoot of a movie of him dancing alone but he quit dancing when I took out my camera (typical) and his teeth were bothering him so much he had his hand halfway down his mouth, so we gave him a binky, and Golden was taking photographs of his son with this big honking camera lens and caught these of Tin – who looks like a Binky Action Figure. Thank goodness someone is a good photographer.






2 Responses to “Other talents”

  1. Ivette Says:

    great fotos!!!!!

  2. Rachel Says:

    wish I could take these kinds of photos but then again I would need a much bigger purse to drag around the camera Golden had.

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