Pumpkin time

It’s that time of year again where the pumpkins are showing up on porches and scary witches and ghosts are flying from trees and it’s perhaps one of my favorite times of the year – the approaching of All Hallows Eve when the border between this world and the otherworld thins and spirits dead and alive walk the earth. This year we will be heading across the bayou to trick or treat with the little kids and then coming back for some candy passing later in the evening. The Court is having the Saints game and Halloween combined and in their new routine they will be projecting the Steelers and Saints on the side of a house.

In the meantime, I just like hearing Tin say pummmm kin as he walks up and down the stairs.


2 Responses to “Pumpkin time”

  1. Alice Says:

    Looks like you’ve done a color re-do for your front entry. Everything looks so neat and tidy, even the dogs!

  2. Rachel Says:

    The columns are wrapped in Tyvex awaiting refinishing – hence it looks like a redo, but it’s a oh pooh the columns need refinishing!

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