What Jack said
I was Skyping with a friend and talking about how I’m in a weird place with myself on time. T has her coffee shop time on Monday and works on Tuesday and Wednesdays are supposed to be my time to myself but Wednesdays come and I don’t know what to do – the other night I cleaned out my closet of all my high heeled shoes – two bags full of stilettos – what goes on? – but I’m sort of left there trying to figure out how to have time for myself and so the first thought is to hook up with a friend and have dinner but since I wait till the last minute that’s hard to do. It’s like Jack White’s song I just don’t know what to do with myself only it’s true – I don’t.
So I have to figure out something for Rachel. T always suggests that I go to a coffee shop which the very notion makes me shudder – sit down in a coffee shop? No way, that always reminds me of work. I don’t want to shop. There isn’t enough time to see a movie. I’d like to read my book but where? Weird. I just don’t know what to do with myself.