The stories we like to hear

Since we hired Tin’s nanny, we asked her to keep a journal of the day, for things that are helpful to know – how many BMs, what new words or discoveries were made, or anything pertinent to our understanding of how his day went without us.

While my friend was here, he received a text message from the woman watching his cat. It went like this:

Went to visit cat, she came out to greet me. I petted her and played with her and her toy mouse, then I fed her and cleaned the litter box. She was purring and in a good mood. I sat on the couch and let her come to my lap and petted her some more. She seemed to enjoy the attention. She finished her food and drank some water then she ran around chasing her toy feather. She was curled up on the chair when I left.

One Response to “The stories we like to hear”

  1. Alice Says:

    That’s a great cat sitter.

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