Call me crazy

I woke up this morning and it was animal kingdom – I had been up since 4AM because Heidi had to go out and from there it was Bam Bam crying all morning to be fed then to be let out and then I go use the guest bathroom where the litter box is and there are little pieces of litter everywhere. Later, Loca goes in for her teeth cleaning which costs more than mine and I find out Heidi needs her teeth extracted because she fractured them at the luxury spa she was at this summer and I came home up to here with animals needing things.

I throw a hissy fit and say that’s it – no mas, zilch, no more, I’m done. After Heidi no more German Shedders, and Bam Bam, when he’s gone no more cats – no more litter box – no more anything. Done. Right?

But wait, there’s more.

Late in the afternoon after Tin’s non-nap, I go to the vet to pick up Loca and two of the vet techs come out and have serious faces and I’m thinking something happened to Loca and I’m getting nervous but they say, “Ms. Dangermond, we have a situation that we’re hoping you can help us with,” and it turns out someone has brought in a kitten that has Feline HIV and they are at their last hope that I will take her because of Bam Bam having HIV and the old “guy who brought her in will pay for all her shots if I take her and if you don’t take her we will have to bring her to the SPCA tomorrow and they will euthanize her, what do you say?”

Good god almighty – yes, all right, already. Lord today. Like my friend and neighbor said to me the other day at lunch, “You need to therapy.” Indeed.

The LaLa welcomes Blekica (pronounced bleh keetz sa):


4 Responses to “Call me crazy”

  1. Me Says:

    I see I visited your blog on a very special day. Mazel tov on your newest edition. The only thing breaking the smile on my face is my laughter. So it’s a family of 7 now right? Hmmm, what was that show – eight is enough? I think you have room for one more. šŸ™‚

  2. Rachel Says:

    Don’t start

  3. rotatingmass Says:

    Now I know where Gigi can go when she wants 4-legged company. Congrats! And she looks like she wears her Saints outfit all the time, like Gigi. The great part is that they cleans the outfits themselves so they’re ready for the next game. Along the lines of your sleepless night, Gigi has this REALLY LOUD MEOW, YES LIKE SCREAMING, when her bowl is empty, usually around 3 or 4 am. P is a deep sleeper so who wakes up? E, of course. I just have to laugh. I have finally learned to fill her bowl before I head off to sleep. Usually. My pet, my teacher.

  4. Rachel Says:

    Yeah, well T wears earplugs and even though Heidi adores her and sleeps on her side, she manages to come to my side to wake me up to go out. Go figure.

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