Chill weekend turns into spaz weekend
This was the weekend I was coming home from nonstop travel to take a chill pill, but it turns out it is my niece’s high school graduation and my other niece’s wedding. I wasn’t invited to the wedding on account of one gone pecan that married into the family, but that is a story on which I will not digress. Meanwhile, my brother and his entire family save for my niece who had to work, came in from Atlanta and they all come over for a lunch of jambalaya. Only we had such a crazy morning getting out the house for the Fargo memorial and getting Tin fed and the jambalaya cooked – I left the burner on and called Jerri to run go to turn it off as I remembered on the way to the levee. When we got back, I ran around the whole time trying to get everything done, that it was only in the last two minutes that I got a chance to really visit.
My nephew’s wife was due at the same time our first almost adopted child was due, so we were keeping up until my adoption failed and then you know how those things go. So when I saw their son, I was thrilled to see he had moved from the little teeny thing I had first been introduced to to this chunky monkey boy:
My brother lucked out when he met his wife. All my brothers did, they all married good women, which kept them somewhat sane.