I always read the headlines on the papers thrown in the morning while on my way to the park. My favorite headline – the morning after the Superbowl needless to say. I’m wondering why us lord, why does Louisiana need a setback like an oil spill that is creeping into our marshes, threatening our food supply, our wildlife, our industry, our everything? Today the headlines were about BP and their arrogance in this fucking awful tragedy.
Obama is coming to New Orleans today and from the headlines I’ve read he’s mad. Well, I’m spitting mad and sick of it. When I saw Congressman Charlie Melancon crying on the television last night I just wanted to lock up all the BP executives and declare Marshall Law. T turned to me and asked if I thought BP would go under because of this crisis and I said we can only hope. Yes, that would mean jobs here when we least need to lose jobs, but should a company be allowed to fuck up this big, conceal and obfuscate remedial actions, and lie lie lie – NO. Enron failed after they lied lied lied and we can only hope that BP follows.
As I approached the park, I saw an old newspaper folded across the top of the passenger seat in a beater car. It was the Super Bowl victory that said AMEN. We’ve been through a lot here in the last five years, down, up, down, up, down, up. The swings are so profound they almost give you whiplash.
But we’re getting tougher – the next headline will be better – we hope.