What in the hell is going on?
In this information age, I feel information overload and am thinking of taking the god totems from my dreams up on a three day hiatus away from any information. Someone brought David Houle to my attention yesterday. He’s a futurist and he says we are leaving the information age and entering the Shift Age – get ready for the new world.
I’d love to be a futurist instead of I’m an archivist of what happened long ago or what happened thirty seconds ago all perceived through my narrowish lens. I’m in the midst of trying to figure out the sea changes happening in the industry I cover – media – where McLuren was right, the medium is the message – but that message gets sliced and diced and made anew on a daily basis so I’m always running to keep up with the game changer that got announced at 5AM when I get to my desk at 7AM. But I do love my job – I was reminded of that when I walked in a room with like minded colleagues yesterday.
Yesterday, I also learned that I’m a monkey, as opposed to an elephant, a dolphin or a lion. I’d have picked an elephant or lion on surface value alone. But the monkey clearly describes who I am – energetic, persuasive, fun loving. And what does a monkey hate: Authority or anyone telling them what to do, Details, and Reports.
We’re all trying to figure it out in media res – which is why stress is our middle name. We need to turn that around on its head and say we’re leading, we’re futurist, not trying to figure out what just happened, but sitting back and saying what will happen. Note to self.