Giving thanks

Today is Easter, it’s also the Orthodox Easter, and it’s also still Passover and last night Tatjana and her mother arrived safely at midnight last night. So today we’re having a feast – lamb stew, buttered parsley noodles, Challah with poppy and sesame seed and risotto cake all made by me with loving hands and against all odds yesterday as TIN DID NOT NAP.

We will give thanks T and her mom arrived safely and that T’s mother was well enough to travel – she’s almost 80. We’ll ask that those who are less fortunate than us find the strength to weather this pass till times are better. We ask that our family members might overcome their obstacles – mainly my brother gets out of prison, and my sister and brother’s health are restored good as new, and that our friends who face illness like Santi, Alice, and M’s mother all are soon on the other side of their treatments.

We also give thanks for Tin who is every day more amazing than the next. And for all the people who helped bring him into our lives be they people who consciously helped or those people whose very actions put us on the road to him – all were equal in helping us find him and discovering the joy of him. We thank all of you.

Thank you for this year because Miracle Baby will graduate from Sewanee, and my other niece will graduate from High School, and yet another niece will get married to the man she loves. Big year!

And thanks to the great animals we have shared our lives with too – the ones who passed and the ones who remain.

And thank you mom and dad for being who you were and making me who I am. I love and miss you both and no, unlike what they say, it doesn’t get any easier. I/we still miss you terribly.

Thank you most for our friends who are always there for us in small and big ways.

On a day when we have so much to be grateful for, I am sending you all the love in the world this very moment and a kiss.

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