The day that you were born
I was watching parts of The Queen last night with Helen Mirren – if you haven’t seen this movie, watch it, it’s incredible as a study in the subtlety of character development. The part about Diana’s death was mesmerizing. Do you remember where you were when she died. I lived at 449 Vermont Street, and woke to go down and get the newspaper (I was at war with the delivery man), and saw the headlines and shrieked and yelled to Steve who was still sound asleep – DIANA IS DEAD! OH MY GOD!
Do you remember where you were when the first man walked on the moon – Brooklyn, with my aunt and we all ran outside into the streets where people were sitting on stoops and shouted, “WOW!”
Charles Manson murders – Riderwood Road in Atlanta.
JFK shot – Louisiana Avenue in New Orleans.
Tin was born at 1:45 pm on March 5, 2009 and I was wondering what I was thinking right at that moment. I looked at my blog. Now if you think that is a coincidence you’re not paying attention – I just wrote an article about Faubourg St. John and ended with having adopted Tin and a line from this very same Louis Armstrong’s song.