The stages of absence

My neighbor said that when her partner leaves she goes through three stages, the first is woo hoo, I’m going to get all those things done that I can’t when you’re here; the second is aw shucks, I miss you and now I want you to be back here by my side, and then the third is damn you, why the hell did you go so far away?

Tatjana has been gone over 24 hours and so far my agenda while she’s gone is to seal the marble counter tops, put up my winter clothes and take down my summer clothes, clean out the coat closet for her mother, along with a host of other things.

I started my list yesterday and so far I’ve got more being added to the list than am able to check off. So I can’t even get to the woo hoo stage, instead I’m just bypassing straight to the aw shucks, I want you back phase.

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