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Tonight’s Parkview meeting was chock a block full of information – here are the highlights:
There is a Crime Summit that is paying attention to what is going on in New Orleans and up until now we’ve heard little from them, but come January, we should start hearing a lot.
All of the gas lines under New Orleans need to be replaced. There is and will be spontaneous situations where water appears in the gas line and shuts down gas to those residences until this problem is fixed. It doesn’t matter if the area flooded or not.
The garbage contract is still under harsh negotiation and a decision is supposed to happen by Dec 30th.
Everyone wants the National Guard to stay.
There is a big meeting on Saturday in Building E at the Convention Center and basically this is the decision that is most important – there is a lot of money but how it gets spent is not decided – here are three big questions: 1) spend in the most vibrant and occupied parts of the city?, 2) spend throughout the entire city?, 3) spend in the blighted hoods only? Tough questions.
What I’ve been calling the Friendship bridge or pedestrian bridge is in fact called the Magnolia Bridge. A better name for sure, but who knew?
There have been calls about the furniture on the bayou – some in favor, some against. There is some question on what determines if it is furniture – T whispered, what next?, mattresses on the bayou?
The association is thinking of adopting Olga Street – one of the oldest streets in MidCity but was the most damaged in the storm and now has no subsurface drainage. Now that’s a problem.
The guy who won the contract for a grocery in midcity closed the grocery and has no intention of reopening. Our neighborhood grocery is held hostage until he decides to sell the property. Why did he win the bid in the first place, if he had no intention of delivering what the customers wanted?