The world becomes transparent like me

I got up this morning and hit the ground running – Loca and I fled out the house to take a run in the park, still cold although it is supposed to warm up tomorrow, back home huffing and puffing, get ready for a slew of calls, and then bing bang, get Tin, feed bottle, prepared breakfast, nanny early, this that, bing bang. Then I just took a breather and was looking at something online when I see my horoscope pop up that says:

February 19, 2010

  1. TaurusTaurus (4/20-5/20)

    It’s the perfect astrological and emotional weather for your sign. You really couldn’t do much better, and you knew it as soon as you set your feet on the floor this morning. For once, everyone around you will be feeling everything just as intensely as you do all the time. You’ll also notice they’re operating a little more from their gut and a lot less from their desire to seek approval. See? Lovely weather, huh?

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