Music is for everyone

In the adoption we were working on before Thanksgiving, we ran into federal con artists, and Bob Marley came up as the patron saint of the birth father.  I am not going to hold that against Marley. I found this Jimi Hendrix tee shirt at Target and since Tin likes to shake his butt so much just like his Mommy, music will be our universal language.


7 Responses to “Music is for everyone”

  1. Ivette Says:

    Ay coño, ¡Que bello!!!!!! Estoy loca por besarlo mucho, mucho, mucho. FELICIDADES MAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Rachel Says:

    No me puedo creer – este bebe es PERFECTO sabes? Voy a comerlo de besos.

  3. Ivette Says:

    Lo veo perfecto!!!! Todo parece estar en orden divino. Besos para las nuevas mamis. Un abrazo

  4. Rachel Says:

    Mucho amor Ivette – esperamos que lo conozcas pronto porque su cumpleaños es cerca de Mardi Gras – 5 marzo

  5. Ivette Says:

    Wow!! nació en mi mes, marzo. a celebrar en grande…muchas cosas en mardi gras. besos.

  6. Rachel Says:

    Tu no eres pisces, no? Porque Jeri es un pisces.

  7. Ivette Says:

    no, soy aries.

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