Nothing could be sweeter
Stormed all night with Arlene up and down in the bed with the quivers. Vivid dreams. Walking along the bayou to playdate the pinky blue clouds were skimming the water. There are too many images, memories, words, feelings to get them all straight in my mind. I keep trying to lay them out in some linear fashion but they get all tangled up again as soon as I line them up. Saw Broken Flowers last night – a quiet, profound Jarmouche movie. Resonates in the longing and what if – and imagining what it might have been when the reality could have certainly been different. Beautifully done by Bill Murray and an excellent ending. I love seeing these guys Jarmouche, Murray at the top of their game after being in it so long – the habit becomes them.
Silence on the point of …… the Muse is torturing me again, can’t put down in words, can’t even line up the thinking – what goes on? If I sat down to write a friend about where my head is now I would fill blank pages with silly nonsense and still come no closer to uncovering the truth.
While everyone else went to watch Valiant I went for a family visit. B and B are going to Israel because B can’t stand sitting around after the feds confiscated his building, his car, basically his life. This is over $3 million – surely these people have better things to investigate or dally on. S&M are in love and M’s cute and so lovingly sweet, perfect for S who needs a lot of attention. They are going to try for #2 as early as January. R looks a lot like M now. Still in the wide eyed stage. Always liked that stage. On Saturday, with J&G’s sons, noticed how M is in that stage, just kind of wide eyed innocence while G is still bobby. It makes W seem so fully formed because he is able to hit multiple levels of intelligence so at the ready. In my history of these relationships W is the most intriguing I’ve met – it doesn’t help that he is so goddamn handsome – I’m hoping all of him stays open to all of it as he gets older.
Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is uncertain, all we have is today – from Broken Flowers. But isn’t aging about being able to conujure up all those yesterdays into a narrative that you fits you like a tailored suit?