Connecting the dots

Last night, I woke up at 2:30 to the sound of a man talking incessantly to someone on the phone (I assumed because I only hear one voice). This has been happening for the last two or three months. It goes on and on until about 5:30 and it’s like he is in the room with me because it is the dead of night and I hear his voice so clearly.

I went down to walk the Bean this morning and J was in the elevator, having gone up instead of down. He’s blind and so when I asked if he had seen the news, he laughed, and I said well, you know what I mean – about the Amish girls who were killed. He said that happened yesterday. Meanwhile, he asked if I was going to be right back because he needed me to look at something in his apartment.

I ran into J, another neighbor, walking her dog Sunny, and I told her about the guy who talks all night and keeps me up. I said I think he is right under me. She said you should go talk to him because he might not realize how loud he is at that hour.

When I got back from walking Arlene, I told J I would look at his refrigerator. When we got to the second floor, it turns out J lives directly under me and is the man I hear every night. He said his fridge was running too cold and so I adjusted the dial. He then asked if I have a significant other and I said I’m fresh out of a long marriage. So he gave me his phone number and asked me to call for a glass of wine.

Wouldn’t that have been the appropriate time to tell him to keep it down at night?

One Response to “Connecting the dots”

  1. theresa s. Says:

    connecting the dots made me wonder, are blind people able to view the internet? how sad to think that this huge window to the world might be not be open to them. if i wasn’t so tired i’d google it to find out. but i’ll wait for you to have wine and let me know.

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