Miss Gaspar
Mom said there was a party going on in the room next door to her and bid me to go check. I was placating her and she got vexed so I went over there to see if there was any sort of party going on. Instead I found meek Ms. Gaspar sleeping in her dark bed, not uttering a peep.
When a friend of mine was dying of AIDS, in his final month, he lay in bed and told everyone he was an old gumshoe detective and he would recount cases he had worked on.
At night, when I’ve been so tired my mind has quit functioning Tatjana has asked me a question and I’ve responded with the utmost nonsequitor – like when she asked how this person had asked me out and I yelled, “Biscuit.” Or the other night when she was probing some subject and I was near death sleep and said, “Patagonia!”
Where do these things come from in our minds?