Loca is crazy
This morning, we slept in late because at 4:30AM some mysterious cellphone caller woke us up for no good reason other than he had misdialed. So I reordered my Sunday morning and decided to have my tea and New York Times first before walking Loca and heading out for my long bike ride. I went to take Wolfie out for a quickie and Loca was bouncing off the walls from the get go, so I walked outside pulling Wolfie on her leash who didn’t want to go, and ordering Loca to stay with me who had already started bounding down the street without a leash.
A woman was approaching with a large Golden Retriever around the bend and I ordered Loca to sit. The woman asked if it was okay to pass and I said yes, I’ll hold her and gently took Loca’s collar. In that one instant, Loca winded out of my grasp, ran and lunged on the Golden Retriever, and to the hysteria of both the woman and myself proceeded to attack the dog. I instantly dropped the leash of Wolfie and ran to grab Loca off of the dog.
She was savagely going for the dog’s neck. And when I had her back in my control, I did what I never do, I slapped her bottom and told her she was a bad, bad, horrible dog.
The woman who was now crying and her dog, scared but not hurt, went running, I mean sprinting, as far away from us as they could get.
I was so disgusted by Loca’s behavior and by my own stupidity in yet again, trusting that Loca could manage without a leash, and for swatting her, that I just wanted to scream. I pulled Loca by the collar back towards the house, and of course, Wolfie, who wanted to run back home to begin with, was ambling in her zig zaggy way straight for the front yard, so I stooped and grabbed her leash, still holding Loca’s collar, and out of the corner of my eye, saw across the bayou, a woman feeding all of the white Disney ducks.
And so it is.