A confederacy of dunces

As I mentioned before, I opted off the neighborhood list serve because I found the banter useless for my daily life and more of a constant irritant. Similarly, a friend sent me a link that the ongoing duck rant had leaked into nola.com and so I read the article and then read the responses – all from people who do not live on Bayou St. John and all utterly clueless. So I felt compelled to respond and a friend wrote after seeing my note and the responses that ensued:

Saw your post on nola.com and enjoyed it. I would post there but it has become the bathroom wall of new orleans: pathetic and juvenile (oh, and an all white bathroom since the election). Unfortunately, your reasoned post is way over their heads and hard for them to comprehend. Most of the posters are still shitting their pants over the fact that a black guy wants to speak to their kids via satellite (by the way how can Barak be a fascist and a communist at the same time?… hmmm….).

Similarly, I have been trying to understand the care of my mother while she is in the hospital and I keep coming up with more questions than answers. At the same time, everyone else has written me about their horrific stories of their own parents dying in a hospital being run by a bunch of derelicts and they say persevere, don’t give up the fight, because our parents need us as advocates. Still I feel at sea with a bunch of morons who would give her Atavan right after we had had a lengthy discussion about the drugs she is on that are keeping her sedated. “But see she’s trying to get up,” the nurse tells me – well, she, who you did not know until this morning, has been trying to GET UP THE ENTIRE TIME SHE HAS BEEN IN HERE! AGHHHHHHHHHH.

Ommmmmmm. I try to remain neutral and not get riled by the mentally challenged but sometimes it’s hard. My friend closed with the winning argument about the ducks:

My main problem with the ducks is that they’re non-native. …. I might have to do an ornithology seminar for some of our neighbors…

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