An architectural legacy
Living with an architect for sixteen years was like an ongoing adult education class in architecture. Part of our trip involved checking out some of the architecture of Siza, Koolas, Nouvel and Moneo as well as the old and antique. I don’t know if it is my sensibility or what I learned those 16 years but modern architecture is where my eye rests, but I do love it folded into the vocabulary of the old – best. The Reina Sofia by Jean Nouvel, the Atocha train station by Moneo, Casa de Musica by Koolhas, and a handful of Siza.
An architect owes it to his craft to travel the world so that s/he can come back inspired by the old and the new.
Siza’s apartment block in Lisbon:
Nouvel’s hotel in Madrid
Nouvel’s Reina Sofia in Madrid
Moneo’s Atocha Station in Madrid