Thoughts by Rachel Part Deux
Arlene’s tail is now looking like a rat tail – it’s a bloody hairless mess – I went to Walgreens and got the Sulfadene to fix it. But I wonder why Arlene always has to be a manifestation of me not paying attention to my life. Can’t my chaos stay contained and not spill over to her little life, or anyone else’s life for that matter. It’s all about containment. Or is it?
I hate that word containment. N used it in speaking about someone we know dearly who was headed into a potential affair with someone else who is married with two kids. N said you think I should talk to the person about containment? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Had N contained me, everything would be all right now. Hunky fucking dory. Had he contained his desire for me, he’d be happy as a clam. Pishaw. Fuck a bunch of containment. I told the BMFA from the getgo, there is no piece of my heart, there is only me at a goddamn glaring 200%.
Love me or leave me. That’s mine and the city’s motto as of this very moment.