Skinny scared chihuahua and a big dose of guilt

This morning Gomez and I were walking around the bayou when D, who just moved to the neighborhood was walking Frankie (a good looking Katrina rescue dog) and she told us that there was a Katrina dog in the cemetery – a chihuahua – I looked at Gomez and said, uh uh, no way, I’m not rescuing a chihuahua. So D said in parting – you have to really love dogs to rescue a chihuahua…sigh….

G just called me, it’s after noon, she has been trying to rescue that chihuahua all morning! It is skinny and scared and won’t come near her. She gave it food and water but it won’t let her get close – I feel so bad about the chihuahua but after the attacks in Atlanta I don’t want a mad dog on my hands.

G said she got her to lie down – she lies on the base of Mother Theresa – she ate the food G brought and also Ilana’s lunch, the caretaker at the cemetery.

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