Time to think
I just heard that people in Iceland were salivating to get flatscreen TVs last year and now they are all out fishing. I guess there is a silver lining to the economy tanking.
I envisioned what would happen to us if we lost our jobs – about us getting an Airstream and pulling it behind the truck and I thought about the dogs, the cat, and the baby and us all just wandering through the country working as short order cooks or cocktail waitresses to get by.
I thought about being fearful of the future and how it erodes today.
Then I thought of myself in yoga today when I was able for the first time to support myself in pigeon pose because I told myself I could fly. I looked up and Michele was smiling and I was smiling and I felt like I had broken new ground.
In my last entry I wrote abortion instead of adoption and two people caught me on it – it was because I had received an email from a friend who wrote: “I’m sorry about the aborted adoption” – which I thought was an interesting way to phrase it. It actually felt like a miscarriage since we were two months away from her being born – but today I decided to think of it this way: seven months pregnant is the closest I have gotten to having a baby in almost 50 years, so s/he must be just around the corner.