Eleven – the master of mystery
Eleven is a master number in the whole numerology gig, if you follow that stuff. It’s a special number that means neither beginning, endings, closure, or what have you, instead it’s a number of higher power and mystery.
T and Me: Today’s a special day for T and me, it’s eleven months since Mardi Gras, and an anniversary we celebrate and cherish. And today we received a fabulous, over the top, spectacular anniversary gift – we met Ele.
Birthmother/Her daughter/Her mother: Ever get linked to people in supernatural ways? You know how you meet someone and suddenly you feel as if you were destined to know this person – I keep having these associations, my world keeps enlarging, my heart keeps expanding.
Ele: Wonders never cease.
You know all the things you think about in abstract and think you believe, like I wouldn’t do this, or I would do that, in practice some of that stuff goes right out the window when faced with mysterious forces that bring you together with a person you have never met before but suddenly feel as if you belong with?
Life’s wild and wonderful.
July 26th, 2009 at 7:26 am
Eleventh night, too.