Getting out of the house

We forced ourselves out of our routine here and got dressed up and went out. It was a much needed respite from being homebodies. We were headed to Swirl but it was closed for inventory, the Quarter was crowded with Sugar Bowl revelers, and so we went to Clever, the wine bar that opened next to Cork & Bottle in the American Can Company.

It was great, we walked in and it was not too crowded but there were a decent number of people there and the atmosphere was perfect, almost reminded me of a San Francisco lounge than a New Orleans one. The bartender made us a perfect Manhattan with rye whiskey and we said hello to friends then cozied up on a couch. The lighting was perfect. Nice nice nice. What a clever idea and just what the hood needed.

Then we headed to Meaux Bar to split a burger – again it was not packed but there was a good crowd and Jim is always so welcoming and Debbie was bustling around waiting on people.

Ahhh, the joys of being an adult.

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