The very disconcerting and ugly face of racism

Even though I live in the South I flinch at the “n” word – that’s right I rarely hear it – even when I heard the main character in Trouble the Water say it repeatedly, I flinched. Lately, I’ve been physically ill over the Obama jokes that have been spread over the internet. One is Obama going to heaven and God asks him how he enjoyed his presidency and he said, hard to say, it only lasted two minutes. The recent one was even more despicable – the subject line says Palin gets a make over and then the image is of Obama subserviently on his knees shining her shoes. This is gross – so disgusting – too bad there is not something similar to the porn police trying to find where the emails are emanating from and publicizing these fools – sort of like the way the internet was able to shame Michael Vick and his deplorable treatment of animals.

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