Sretan Rodendan! Volim te, ljubavi moja

How many ways to say I love you to T on her birthday? Yesterday, was our eight month anniversary, as well as day two of 150 miles of bike riding (ouch), but we woke in a pine forest by the lake and I know I was happy, nay thrilled, she was born!

What a difference eight months make? Last year, for the bike ride, I was ending confusion about one person and starting confusion about another person, but eight months ago, I had no confusion, just stark crystal clear clarity and that my friend is what is needed for a great love!

So happy birthday super darling, and happy anniversary – you are loved, greatly!

2 Responses to “Sretan Rodendan! Volim te, ljubavi moja”

  1. cc Says:

    R –

    I have not read your blog in quite some time. I love this entry. Congratulations. Yes, love is a wonderful thing. 🙂

  2. Rachel Says:


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