What is life like with a woman?

Ha. A friend asked me that and I said ha! I’m learning what my three husband went through living with me. Women – what do they want? Who the hell knows because it changes from morning to night. The uber women have glaring holes in their perfection, the underdogs are always looking for an angle to shine, and the crazy ones, well, we all know about the crazy ones.

I said someone had told me that having a relationship with a woman is intense and I said I agree with that. The intensity doesn’t slacken. I have sat next to my girlfriend and in the span of five minutes watched her emotional range go from zero to 60 without missing a beat or a fraction of any emotion you could possibly name and thought wow.

But what does it all mean? Well, I don’t know. Men are so different – majorly different – if you could get one or two emotional responses out of a man during the course of six months, you’d be lucky – but then that is their appeal too.

Women are just different – very different – and it’s good to have characteristics from both sides of the great gender divide – because that way when she’s waxing and I’m waning, we’re complimentary. Which T and I are in spades – complimentary and mismatched in perfect ways.

“What’s different about her?” my friend asked. I said it’s the capriciousness that is the most mysterious. I have been trying to plan a good birthday but this morning even the likelihood of cake and candles was subject to whim. Her birthday is this coming Monday.

Is it her being a woman or a Libra – we had friends over last night for dinner and one sent a note this morning that last night was a “Libra’s dream” and on a fluke, I looked up Libra’s traits – I found these, which fit T almost to a t.

Traditional Libra Traits

Diplomatic and urbane
Romantic and charming
Easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable

On the dark side….

Indecisive and changeable
Gullible and easily infuenced
Flirtatious and self-indulgent

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