Stay the course
I was reminded to smile at my computer because I have been grimacing since yesterday. The email situation is still a bust because of a corrupt database issue that has yet to be resolved. You’d think after losing ALL my work emails that there was nothing left to corrupt, but au contraire.
Meanwhile, it’s hard to evaluate anything else like stock market crashes, surges, uncertainty, or any of the cosmic topics that seem to be bubbling up to the top these days – is our money safe in banks? (who knows), will Obama win the presidency (read my lips: we will all leave the United States if he doesn’t), will a hurricane wipe out New Orleans, Florida, Texas? (I hope not), will my email ever work normally again? (sigh).
Of all these things what takes precedence in my pea-brain mind are things like Gal Holiday agreed to play at our In & Out party in December (woo hoo!), T is taking me to one of my favorite places, Istanbul, for my 50th birthday present! (another woo hoo!), and most importantly, T.G.I.F.!