4:33 AM – back to sleep, perchance to dream

Hopefully to dream of tranquil thoughts – the sea coast of Croatia, swimming in the ocean, and peace on earth. Bush said this week that we are not in a recession (read: head up his ass). The superstitious believe you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth – my horse rode in and I keep yelling from the rafters how great she is – it’s hard to tone down exuberance and excitement and joy – but if any of my zealousness has the potential to blanket this fire, to suffocate this desire, or to reverse the course then I would rather wear barb wire around my chest, stick pins in my eyes and walk on glass than yell above a whisper that we are invincible – because I know too well the fragility of life, the slow fade of love and this morning, in my groggy clarity, I know my greatest fear, that this is all a dream from which I will awake. 

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