Is it me?

A full morning of work calls, when the A/C man finally shows up to fix the air conditioner that has been broke for two weeks – last night I tossed and turned with two fans on high directly on me as the temperature in the bedroom approached 90 degrees – on a call, I ushered in the workmen – they go up in the attic and break the fire alarm wire – trigger the alarm throughout the house – the firemen are here in record time – and everyone is pointing their finger saying “I didn’t do nuthin” – Hepse Pisikopat (read: everyone is psychotic). 

2 Responses to “Is it me?”

  1. anonymous Says:

    laughing my ass off, cause you handle it all with such humor. but most importantly did they fix the a/c?

  2. Rachel Says:

    God yes – I went down at some point this afternoon and just laid on the bed – between my hot flashes and the impending summer heat – I thought I was just going to go brain dead. Or maybe I am brain dead – it’s hard to tell. But tonight – I am going to crank it down to 0 degrees and wake up with icicles in my nose.

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