T minus 9 days and the birds are singing out my window
I woke up this morning at 5AM and snuck out of bed to get my Blackberry (trying not to wake up Loca) because in the absence of the real thing, I rush to get T’s morning email message. I lay back in the bed and read her million kisses from the airport and thought that soon she will be home and we will have a couple of weeks together before she leaves again. I was thinking this morning as I walked Loca that in the past three years I have learned a lot about myself – my self-sufficiency, my ease with being alone, my need to set boundaries in my personal relationships, and most of all that what I bring to the table is a profound capacity to love. I met T at the best time of my life – I’m wiser and happier – and I believe she came to me at a similar juncture in her life – wiser and happier. A match made in heaven. Recently, two people have cited how ungodly our union is – my brother, who considers himself a mensch, a rabbi, says this is not right under God’s eyes. A friend, born again Christian, asked sarcastically if I thought God had sent her to me. My answer to any and all is “Go find your own great love – I found mine.”