A spiritual journey without a destination

The idea of a spiritual journey without a destination struck me as harsh. The journey is opening yourself up whether emotionally, spiritually, lovingly, whichever, or all together, with a destination in mind.

I look for signs of spiritual, emotional, and intellectual maturity in people. I look for it in myself. The destination is right at that point of connection – did we all move up to the same wrung? Or have I rounded the bend and met one of the charlatans and flying monkeys I thought I had left behind?

Muy importante.

If connection is not the destination than I don’t know. I’ve learned in the last year that the opposite of addiction is connection. That connection is where we have the potential to meet our truest self. And that is vulnerability.

Every experience I have had has opened me up to growth – the struggle, the knowing, the compassion, the growth. So it’s movement towards something – I’ll name it vulnerability. Because often my experiences have led me to dissociate, isolate, and have an adverse reaction to connection. The growth is what pushes me to stay open to the experience.

I’m growing towards staying open to uncertainty, to struggle, to weathering it all with compassion, and to staying the course on my spiritual journey even when the destination is opaque. It’s always the beginning of the world again where nothing has taken shape and I’m standing in the primeval waters, waiting to know.

One of my favorite meditation teachers offers this:

The invitation is to acknowledge the truth:
I am afraid of the unknown 
I don’t really know how this should go
I don’t really know what should happen
I don’t really know what’s best
I don’t really know what is expected of me
But something in me is open to find out 
I trust in life 

~Tiger Singleton 

Trust = Vulnerability.

Heron in Bay Saint Louis, MS by Marian Glaser – a local artist and photographer.

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