Loss and Found
FOUND: There is a dirty little secret about the COVID-19 pandemic – more time for everything. Long walks. Bike rides. Books. Movies. Time to chat and check in with friends – albeit at a (social) distance.
LOSS: The momentum of my business here at the 100 Men Hall. I was building an audience, a reputation, a community, sponsors, grants, a vision and now the rug has been pulled out from under me.
FOUND: A community. You never really know who your people are until trouble strikes and I learned this in the 2005 Federal Flood and I’m learning it again now – your people show up.
LOSS: St. Joseph Altar, My friend’s wedding, a fundraiser for the Bay Ratz, a Drag King show, Chapel Hart performing here. What will happen this May with two MEGA BLUES stars engaged to perform – will it be a BLUE MAY or a Blues May?
FOUND: Time to write. Time to contemplate. Time to meditate. Time to veg out. Time to space out.
LOSS: Routine, plans, investments, money, savings, revenue.