How to not take yourself so seriously in these serious times
At 60 years old, I’m redefining fun for me. It’s surprising how hard I’ve had to consider what is fun since it changed without my knowing it. I came to the conclusion a few years ago that fun for me was a hike in nature or a good long walk on the beach, a bike ride through a beautiful neighborhood, writing in a group, a gathering of gals with spirits and apps, a yummy dinner with a man or boy, and texting with friends who make me laugh. I still love dancing, but I find I have to make dancing happen.
I could add traveling, gardening, a meandering conversation with a good friend, reading a good book and watching a good movie to that list.
Before I would have said going out with friends. Just out and about, and drinking and dancing, and listening to music, and ending up the night in the early morning hours perhaps stopping for food on the way home at some all night joint.
I want to know more about fun. I have a friend who makes a joke out of everything – even dead serious stuff. Sometimes it annoys me. I have a son who wants to make me laugh so badly he tells corny and ridiculous jokes. Sometimes he annoys me. I have a friend who knows how to make fun out of just about anything. I wish I had her gift.
What I know about myself is I am a serious – have always been way too serious – and it was a very dear friend who told me, “Rachel, you have to find the humor in the moment.” And a light went on. Have. More. Fun. — Laugh. More. — Don’t. Take. Yourself. So. Seriously.
In these days of quarantine, pandemic, and social distancing, I’m going to have to work extra hard on my fun quotient.