Weeding my Garden

I’ve been thinking a lot about renewal and beginning again these days. It’s the topic of much of my conversation and thoughts and musings.

Then suddenly I was sucked into a whirlwind of activities.

In only a week, I was at a train birthday party for one of Tin’s friends:


Then it was a Stevie Wonder concert. A while ago, a friend had said that he had an extra ticket for Stevie Wonder that I couldn’t afford to buy when it was first announced, but found the money when he told me and so there I was with him and his friend at the concert. Now, most musicians are performers – their lives on stage have nothing to do with who they are in person – but Stevie Wonder grew more real to me as he revealed other dimensions of his heart on stage. He said that he had been in the shower asking God to help him be all that he is supposed to be, to help people and to heal the world. What came to him is that if you have hate in your heart, you are blocking your blessing, so his message is open your heart to love and don’t block your blessing. Beautiful man – so worth the price of admission.


Meanwhile, on the home front, a friend gave Tin a science experiment kit for his birthday and so we have had a few opportunities to watch things grow or explode in test tubes over the course of the week.


And then last night, after a Welcome Table meeting, I went to see John Waters at the Joy Theater, who was incredibly funny and raunchy and disgusting in only the way that Waters can be, but after looking around at the audience that felt more counter culture than any John Waters audience could ever hope to be, I felt truly grateful that I had gotten that ticket too.


Which leads me to weeding my garden – the winter kale and lettuce and herbs are bolting to seed in my backyard vegetable garden. It’s past time to start my sunflowers and tomatoes and cucumbers and basil from seedlings. The weather is slip sliding from cool to warm on a minute by minute basis. And the other night, driving home from Zumba, I looked up in the blue inky sky and saw one bright star standing out in the darkness. Out of habit, I started to make a wish, and then paused … and paused … and paused … I had nothing to wish for.


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