The Leisure of a Lover
I said to a younger friend the other day that there will come a time in her life when she will be through looking for the perfect partner, the husband, the boyfriend, the man who will ask her on a date, or the end all be all that is supposed to arrive with all the answers.
Instead, she will open her arms to a lover.
I’ve watched my lover up close and from afar – no expectations is what we bring to each other – and just leisurely watching what unfolds and recognizing that every time, I think I have him pegged, he surprises me.
Without all the expectations of a more formal relationship, there are no demands, there is just the leisure of experiencing someone else.
It is quite magical.
So for today, in the middle of this December that has had erratic temperatures as well as erroneous predictions and pronouncements, I’ve decided that I am throwing the towel over my crystal ball and enjoying the very essence of Stanley, my lover.