Holiday splendor
You have to think of these holidays in terms of abundance – which was starting to feel to me like too much, but whose to argue with excess? My new name is Poca, as in Pocahontas – there are now 25 guests showing up for Thanksgiving dinner and thank god someone is providing the headdresses – I will be Poca, and Daphne will be Pokey, and the rest are anywhere between pilgrims and single feather squaws. I’m going to get up early and do a rain dance to keep away the bad weather because we need a day on the bayou – pristine weather for an outdoor meal and boat ride afterwards instead of the usual Thanksgiving walkabout.
Once you start thinking like a nut it helps to make all of this start making sense – sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don’t – finally I am getting well enough to believe I can be a nut.