Still I Rise
I’m on the board of SISTAWorks – an organization that helps students with high school costs in Ghana. We’re hosting our second annual fundraising gala in November and the theme is a musical tribute to Maya Angelou. I have always loved her poem, her spirit and her ability to reconfigure herself in iconic ways throughout her life. What a role model – geez Louise, stand aside Wonder Woman, Maya is all that.
So it is with interest that yesterday I received a notice from an ex that they would prefer to not have any more contact. I took it with some pain, but decided okay, if that’s what you need, I can do that. I went to walk Stella and we ran into my friend who was outside of her house, with a jar of mineral spirits, trying to get the tag off her car. Someone had written their name across her hood and we both were rubbing on it – as she spoke to her dad, whose girlfriend has moved out, and I waved to people who went by in trucks and cars and on foot – one had lost her husband to cancer, one had lost her boyfriend to an open relationship, and one had recently found a new love. Life goes on. There we were rubbing the indelible letters off the hood of her SUV with John Waite singing “I ain’t missing you” playing our theme song.
I rose this morning, to a new light, to a new day, and I stopped in the lighting store to get a few bulbs and met someone. Funny how life is, huh. I left with a new reading lamp and his phone number.