If you listen very closely
If you listen very closely you will hear the sound of my heart beating. If you are still and listen closer you will hear my joy. If you move in closer you will get a view of the magic that is in me.
And so it is that I ended my crush last night right before bed. I fell back in love with my life and all those hearts in my eyes stopped bouncing up and down and making cupid curlicues in the air.
My niece is here and I made us all huevos rancheros for breakfast – she said that it makes her smile to know that the little kids she teaches and her aunt and a friend of hers who is 70 all talk of love.
Oh, yes, indeed. It’s love that causes our warm blood to seek all the corners of our skin and makes us dance in the night. Love of life. Love of self. Love of lovers, crushes, and others.
To all the lovers I have known and the places in my heart you occupy: I love therefore I am.