My head is in the game
Today, I have too much to do and as Flower said early this morning I need 5 heads and 8 hands to accomplish it. Loca got her first post-op long walk and gets her stitches out today – maybe I can contain that bundle of energy with purpose on my part. Late in the afternoon, my mom is to come by for a brief visit – we need to sit down and schedule a regular weekly visit – I’ve been very lame about seeing her in her apartment because of the smoke and hoarding and claustrophic feeling I get there – but we need to see each other once a week and she doesn’t like to leave the house – but she should leave the house.
A friend writes questioning her worth. Another writes questioning ours. An email travels across the globe informing me that sometimes things aren’t what they seem. I begin my day in a muddle and need to get my head in the game. Here is my daily affirmation:
November 6, 2007
I willingly release all resistance to what is! I surrender my life into the dynamic flow of the universe!