Learning to fly (or flip the script)

I know I am beginning to sound more like a new age blogger (not that there is anything wrong with that) than the usual crooner of the ups and downs of a woman’s life and self actualization, but I’m going to have to go with the new script – I feel amazing!

So many things make me smile that I just walk around on a cloud these days. I ran into friends last night at a birthday party and I was telling one of them about all the changes in my life recently and I said, you know it’s like I kept asking for clarity and suddenly – snap – I had it and once I had it, everything started falling in place, doors opened, people came into my life to help me – support, encouragement and love overflowed into my life. And I told her I went to the doctor and he said my hair would most likely not grow back and she said, “No, you don’t want that hair, it would mess with your spiritual leader persona you got going on.”

Ahhh, the Buddha that’s what I look like. Or let’s just say, I flipped the script from free falling to flying – much like Tin was trying to do the other day after watching Kiki’s Delivery Service. He grabbed the broom from the laundry room and clenched his teeth and lifted up on his tippy toes just trying desperately to take off and fly like the young witch in the movie.

Finally, he said with a frown, “I want to fly so bad,” and I said, “I know you do honey, but just imagine you are flying. Close your eyes and fly,” and then we both closed our eyes and pictured ourselves flying.

And so my word of the day is this – it’s actually printed on my tee shirt I bought in Gibraltar with my Spanish friend – Don’t worry everything is going to be amazing!


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