If I am somebody

If I am somebody
It is only by standing on the shoulder of giants:



Took the boys to see the Drepung Loseling monks perform a ceremony after completing the mandala – guttural singing, horns blowing, cymbals tinkling and then the dyed sands were swept up and a procession led us through Mardi Gras World to the river (a truly New Orleans ceremonial experience) where the sands were loosed into the mighty Mississippi to re-imagine our world through loving kindness.

He won’t remember, unless I show him the photos and tell him about the time we went to see the Dalai Lama and the monks. The Dalai Lama’s message today: “Spend more time with your children. Your children will be happier persons.”

5 Responses to “If I am somebody”

  1. Mudd Says:

    You are SO VERY BEAUTIFUL in this photo!!!

    And don’t underestimate Tin’s memory — I’m SURE this moment will stick with him forever.


  2. Rachel Says:

    They – that mysterious they – say that until after four kids don’t retain anything but I have to believe memory is created out of something more than direct experience – it’s almost like a layering and then a development of myth around events and a repetition – it all becomes your experience.

  3. Mudd Says:

    I remember “things”… “feelings”… “vibes”… “insights”… from before I was 2 years old. And knowing what I know/feel about Tin, he’s soakin’ it all in. You are feeding him the best there is. He’s one lucky soul!

  4. Rachel Says:

    I hear ya – and he is an old soul – even when he acts like a drunken midget.

  5. Mudd Says:

    “Drunken Midget” — he’s going to LOVE reading about this when he’s older!

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