Mind the cap
So to cap off the perfect day of walking on sunshine even on a rainy day, I say this about that – I spent hours meeting with an old friend about work stuff and life stuff and good stuff and while sitting at the bar at Serendipity, a man came over and wanted to hug me several times and tell me I am beautiful. Okay, stop it already I said aloud but inside, I’m like, bring it on. Then the bartender told me when my friend went to the bathroom, “when he goes you stay” and I’m like what is it with this place – are you all starved for SELF ACTUALIZED BALD HEADED WOMEN or what?
We were drinking Riff Pinto Grigio, my favorite new white wine, that has a screw cap that the bartender said you could fill with resin and turn into kitchen magnets. But I digress, then we all settled into a group hug and talked about what is wrong with the world and what would make it right and I again, quote, here my favorite line of the night, “I don’t mind what happens.”
God if this isn’t my life right now than you tell me what is? And what a fabulous way to live.