How Zumba Saved My Life

This past Saturday was a year that I have been going to Danielle’s Zumba class and all I can say is thank god.

Zumba has gotten me through losing my hair, selling my house, rearranging my life so completely different, and has propped me up until I got to today when my hair started growing back again.

If I hadn’t been able to dance my way through this year, I seriously think I would have walked off the planet.

Thanks Danielle and all you lovely Zumba sisters who have cradle me through this enormously transitional and pivotal year!

Zumba with Danielle on Fox 8

2 Responses to “How Zumba Saved My Life”

  1. Alice Says:

    I had to tell you about my Zumba experience! 😆 I have to be the worst dancer in the world, and now that I’m old, probably the stiffest. I know the bigger problem is that I feel so ridiculous and stress about how awful I look. So the leader of the senior (read old ladies) classes we attended couldn’t resist the urge to giggle though she recovered nicely and I didn’t take it personally. It really isn’t her fault how silly I look dancing. Hubby on the other hand not only took to it but goes every week religiously! He’s the only man in the class. I elected to work out in the weight room instead. It works for us!

  2. Rachel Says:

    Alice – I could see that. A good friend who is a masseuse would never go to a yoga class because she doesn’t want to be doing yoga in front of a bunch of people. That’s why it’s important to find your thing – Zumba is it for me but we find ourselves a group of middle aged women (a sprinkling of young ones) and no men. At least you go to the weight room – I haven’t done that in too long a time.

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