A persistent dreaminess colors my days

As the driver pulled away from D’s apartment in old Shanghai we made our way across town and my mind began to wander – through a veil of sadness and anticipation I watched the cyclists maneuvering through the cars, the garishness of signs everywhere in Chinese characters, the tall tall tall buildings sprouting from the ground and going up and up and up, and a sea of faces and my mind wandered and through the sea I saw a familiar smile and face coming up to the car as we were idle in traffic and I realized it was Lilly, coming out of the crowd with a box of moon cakes for me – I opened the door and kissed her a thousand times – sweet Lilly – and then the door closed and I was back inside my bubble of thought and remembrance – a time warp already taking over my senses – a longing to be here and there at the same time – a persistent dreaminess that is coloring my days.

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