What men say when you’re listening

Speaking with this guy today about dating and he self-admittedly says he is horrible at relationships and then goes on to detail a recent past relationship where the woman came on to him stronger than he was expecting and they had sex by the third date, which was too soon for him. Turns out the woman was guided by an episode of Friends where the belief was that if you don’t have sex by the third date then the relationship is going nowhere. He naturally, was a little perplexed that his relationship was being orchestrated by a philosophy that came out of a sitcom.

Also, another discussion concludes there is this nebulous guy time – men operate on a clock so different from women it is like they are on another planet. What we consider to be a long time between this and that, they negotiate that time like aliens – so for us a day or two becomes a grave matter of consequence while they may not even be sure that time has passed between this and that. Really, men are a curiosity.

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